Sunday, September 6, 2009

And I can see myself through the maze of time...retracing my steps on the road to Two Chimneys..

Are my questions peace sought..I smile...Heaven is in the seeking...And I will have to be back again to experience it...The house awaits...

And then at the writer's desk..trying to soak in the fervour this place holds...where the artist sits and conjures a million rainbow coloured worlds with his magic pen..this was probably the most profound moment of this sojourn...

We spend the next day exploring different corners of the house...the lofts...the corners...the backdrops..

And then it's time to retire to bed with the owner's own masterpiece..which is what drew me to this haunt in the first place...

Dinner is a lavish mouthwatering affair with the housekeeper Manju leaving no stone unturned to keep our taste buds tickling....

And the warm corners are just the place to snuggle in with your pick...